UK National Competition




话不多说 上视频!


    从九月份入队以来,这个 crazy John 天天喊着小课加训练,这两个月每周高强度的舞蹈,终于出了那么一丢丢的成效,也不枉我那么多私教课时费和成为新冠密接被吓个半死了…

    但说实话,我们大多数时间练的是拉丁,却没想到抱了个摩登华尔兹快步组的冠军回来,当从第六至第一公布名次的时候,听到第三名还不是我们,听到第二名还不是我们,我的心都蹦到了嗓子眼儿,全队人都在为我们欢呼,喊着 John 和我的名字,喊着 Cambridge,真的完全不敢相信,本来赛前和舞伴说好,如果我们只做到了 round 1 而没有进 round 2 的话,要平常心接受,因为毕竟真的没怎么练摩登,所以这个结果真的是 far far more than what we expected!!! 只是可惜了我们的拉丁却不尽人意,只在 team match 里拿了块第二名的奖牌。(后来看到了裁判打分明细,只差一个mark!)



A Competition Day

Competitive dress skirts whirling

Room full of couples twirling

As they Waltz around the floor

Practice nailing that sliding door

Foxtrot to the contagious swing beat

Try not to trip on your partner’s feet

Viennese filled with turn upon turn

Then Quickstep until your lungs burn

People’s faces sparkle and shimmer

Along with lights and costumes that glimmer

All day long people are munching

Carrots, breadsticks, crisps crunching

Sharp staccato Tangos with flair

Rumba tension in the air

Bend and straighten, it’s your Cha

Make sure you do not travel too far

Watching the Paso Doble drama

Energy low? Have a banana

Get that Samba double bounce

Your number they will surely announce

The day comes down to that last Jive

When the silent crowd comes fully alive

The team match is the final highlight

With the day’s end almost in sight

No pressure or expectations from your team

But to win again is surely the dream…







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