浙江清华长三角研究院海纳-动力系统研究中心主任姜开春院士与清华大学联合招聘3名涡轮机械方面的博士后。姜开春教授系欧洲科学院院士(Academia Europaea),前伯明翰大学高性能涡轮机械研究中心主任,其团队致力于开发一款获奖的微型燃气轮机和与其相关的重载无人机,填补空白,满足广泛的社会需要。团队欢迎有志的青年学者抓住这一机遇,积极申请,共同开发出这种具有广泛影响的微型燃气轮机和重载无人机。
1. 已获得或即将获得动力工程、燃气轮机、机械工程等相关专业的博士学位。
2. 博士毕业不超过3年,二次进站的博士后,不受毕业年限的限制。
3. 身体健康,具有诚信踏实的科研作风、良好的职业道德与团队合作意识。
4. 具有较强的独立思考和解决问题的能力,良好的沟通协调能力。
1. 积极参与项目的研发工作并且努力做出自己的贡献
2. 自觉地学习和补充新知识,以适应项目的需要和发展独立解决问题的能力。
3. 按要求总结和汇报工作。
4. 按中心需要做相关的研发和申报工作。
1. 给予不低于40万的年薪及配套15万元/年的科研经费,资助两年;
2. 为入选者缴纳五险一金;
3. 给予购房补助35万元、工资外津贴1000元/月、安家补助6万元,或提供研究院公寓的免租房一套;
4. 出站后留嘉全职工作的博士后,签订3年以上聘用合同,可申请20万元日常生活补贴;
5. 博士后可直接认定副高职称;
6. 优秀的博士后出站人员将被优先雇佣于与中心合作的公司,继续产业化的工作。
7. 优秀的博士后出站人员也可以申请研究院学术带头人等职务。
联系电话:+86 18792889126
2022 Post-Doctoral positions at Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University, Zhejiang, China
Haina-Power Systems Research Centre of Yangtse Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University is recruiting three post-doctoral researchers, jointly supervised by Tsinghua University and the director of the Centre, Professor Kyle Jiang, a member of the distinguished Academia Europaea and formal director of High-Performance Turbomachinery Research centre at the University of Birmingham. The team is devoted to developing a prize-winning micro gas turbine and heavy-duty drones to meet the market’s needs. It is a highly influential project. Ambitious researchers interested in the project are encouraged to catch the opportunity and apply to join the project.
1. Requirements:
a. Candidates are expected to have PhD study experience in energy and power, gas turbines, or mechanical engineering;
b. Candidates graduated within the past three years or are to graduate shortly. Those who have had post-doctoral experience are not limited by their graduation years;
c. Candidates are expected to be healthy and possess an honest research attitude, scientific approaches, and teamwork skills;
d. Candidates should have the ability to think and resolve problems independently and good communications skill to collaborate with others.
2. Responsibilities:
a. The selected researcher should actively take part in the research project and make due contributions;
b. The selected researcher should be ready to learn new knowledge to suit the needs of the project and develop his or her ability to tackle challenges;
c. The selected researcher has the duty to summarise work and write reports;
d.The selected researcher should carry out the required research work in the Centre and write grant applications if needed.
3. Salary and subsidies:
a. The salary is no less than 400,000RMB per annum, and the research fund is 150,000RMB per annum for two years;
b. The social pension, health insurance and other social benefits are paid;
c. A subsidy of 350,000RMB is given for purchasing a property, an additional 1000RMB monthly top-up is provided, and either a 60,000RMB relocation fee or free accommodation inside the Institute will be available for the selected researchers;
d. After the full-time post-doctoral research period, the researchers have an excellent chance to remain employed by the Institute. For those who choose to remain in Jiaxing and complete a three-year employment contract, they can apply for 200,000RMB living subsidies;
e. After the post-doctoral research period, the researchers will have an academic ranking at the associate professor level;
f. Excellent researchers have the priority to be employed by the company associated with the research centre to continue the work carried out before;
g. After completion, excellent researchers can apply for a Principal Investigator position and lead a team.
4. Application procedure:
a. Applications with a CV to include study and work experiences and achievements should be sent to the contact person by email given below;
b.After exchanges by email and telephone, successful candidates will be invited to meet in the Institute in Jiaxing;
c.Contact: Professor Kyle Jiang, jiangkaichun@tsinghua-zj.edu.cn;
Telephone: +86 18792889126
Address: Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University, No.705 Yatai Road, Nanhu District, Jiaxing, Zhejiang, China




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