To enhance and support the influence and recognition of young artists, especially Chinese artists, in the international cultural and artistic fields, the UK Tsinghua Alumni Association (UKTA) plans to host the inaugural Tsinghua Alumni London Art Exhibition in the fourth quarter of 2024. This exhibition aims to utilize the UKTA as a platform to connect resources and opportunities for alumni in the UK, allowing them to showcase their artistic works and highlight their talents and innovative spirit. This is not only an opportunity to display individual talents but also a platform to promote interaction among Tsinghua alumni from diverse backgrounds. Alumni who wish to expand their professional networks and artistic horizons are encouraged to sign up for this opportunity!

We encourage every talented alumnus to actively participate, whether by exhibiting their works or by participating in curating and opening events. This alumni exhibition is not only an art display but also a new attempt to engage more alumni in UKTA’s cultural and artistic activities through the exhibition of their works. This, in turn, will enrich the content and forms of the association’s activities, expanding the boundaries of UKTA’s events.

We hope to enhance connections among alumni, enrich the artistic and cultural experiences of alumni in the UK, and jointly uphold and promote the traditions and values of Tsinghua through this grand event.

Exhibition Theme

Ubiquitous Technology: The Science of Aesthetics


Art history has always been closely intertwined with the history of technology: from the replacement of egg tempera with oil paint, allowing Renaissance artists to slow down and make corrections, to the invention of the paint tube, which made outdoor painting possible and gave rise to Impressionism, and more recently, to the application of blockchain technology, which resolved copyright issues in digital art and facilitated bold experiments in new media. These examples are countless. Artists with a scientific mindset, most notably Leonardo da Vinci, not only utilized technological advancements for artistic creation but also became part of the innovation. Leaving familiar grounds, seeking breakthroughs and disruptions, and creating different futures are common traits of both scientists and visionary artists. However, the future envisioned by artists is also more beautiful.

Living in a modern world where technology is ubiquitous, it is not hard to notice how scientific methods, materials, and thinking patterns permeate and influence our visual world, its forms, and styles. Technology provides artists with a powerful tool to explore and develop their artistic ideals and visions, elevating aesthetic judgment to a new level—this in itself is a creation of beauty.

This exhibition will showcase how science and technology assist artists in creating their works and how contemporary aesthetics have evolved from technological interventions.


Materials and Forms


We welcome various art forms that align with the theme of this exhibition, including but not limited to painting, sculpture, installation art, video, ceramics, and glass.


Dimensions and Quantity


Wall-mounted works should not exceed 120×120 cm, and sculptures or installations should not exceed 180 cm in height. Each artist may submit up to five pieces.


Submission Period


June 25, 2024 – August 10, 2024


Exhibition Period


October 9, 2024 – November 8, 2024


Exhibition Venue


20 Kings St, St. James’s, London

(opposite to Christie’s Auction House)


Eligibility to Exhibit


Participants must be 18 years or older. We are seeking submissions from current Tsinghua University students, faculty, and alumni worldwide, and we also welcome active participation from non-Tsinghua alumni working in the arts industry globally. As the primary purpose of this exhibition is to serve Tsinghua alumni and provide opportunities for friendly exchange among them, submissions from Tsinghua alumni will be given priority consideration, with the final selection including at least 60% alumni works.

You Will Receive:



A one-month public exhibition in London and the opportunity to engage in friendly exchanges with seasoned art professionals;



Public promotion by UKTA, with the potential for exposure in local media;



A wealth of alumni resources and the opportunity to strengthen connections with Tsinghua alumni worldwide;



An exhibition coinciding with renowned art fairs such as Frieze London and Asian Art in London;



A guided tour of the Victoria and Albert Museum’s China Gallery, led by the V&A China Gallery curator.

Additional Information

All works must conform to the theme and be exhibited during the exhibition period (October 9, 2024 – November 8, 2024). They may not be loaned out or withdrawn early. The works must be original creations of the artists and must not violate any contracts, copyright laws, or licenses. The copyright remains with the artists. The final interpretation of this exhibition event belongs to the Tsinghua UK Alumni Association.

This exhibition includes both display and sales. If a work is selected by the curatorial team for the exhibition, the artist must cover the round-trip shipping costs from the work’s location to the exhibition venue. Additionally, we recommend that artists choose appropriate shipping insurance. Insurance during the exhibition period will be covered by the organizing committee. If a work is sold during this exhibition, the organizing committee will charge a 25% commission. It should be noted that the UKTA is a non-profit organization, and all commission fees will be used to cover the preparation costs and exhibition insurance for this art exhibition. Any remaining balance will be fully used to support the next alumni art exhibition.

How to Apply


Click to Apply in Google Form


Scan the QR code below to fill out the Google application form:


Chief Curators: Hongyi Yang, Tong Zhao

Co-Curators: Mi Lin, Yiyuan Shi, Fan Ji

Special Advisor

Nancy Zhang | UKTA Advisor & Honorary Chair of JD Foundation 



Xiaoxin Li | Curator of the V&A China Gallery


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内容 |  姬凡 夏彤

排版 |  姬凡 陈冰蕊

海报设计 | 姬凡 陈冰蕊

校对 |  夏彤 杨虹仪 赵彤

审稿 |  高远 李晓欣(V&A) 章泽天










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