The world’s first city-based Asian art season, ‘Asian Art in London’, returns this Autumn for its 27th edition. London’s flagship Asian art event takes place from 30th October to 8th November. A varied and extensive programme of specialist exhibitions and auctions will be offered for sale by Asian Art in London’s Participants: respected dealers, galleries and auction houses focussing on Asian art.
For the first time ever, three of London’s major auction houses, Bonhams, Christie’s and Sotheby’s, will host commercial Dealer and Gallery exhibitions. 14 of Asian Art in London’s Participants will exhibit in these first-class central London locations, providing visitors with a wealth of exhibitions and auction viewings within short walking distance of each other in Mayfair and St James’s.
这也是伦敦三大拍卖行——邦瀚斯(Bonhams)、佳士得(Christie’s) 和 苏富比(Sotheby’s)首次联合举办经销商和画廊展览。十四位参与者将在这些顶级场馆中展出他们的藏品,展览地点都位于Mayfair和圣St James’s,为参观者提供在短距离内参观多个展览和拍卖的便利。
Open Evenings
Saturday 2nd November 17.00 onwards
Sunday 3rd November 17.00 onwards
Monday 4th November 17.00 onwardss
On Wednesday 30th October, the opening day, Asian Art in London celebrates is 27th edition with a Gala Party at the Victoria & Albert Museum (V&A). The V&A was the location of the first ever Asian Art in London Gala Party in 1998 and has hosted several times since. The event is a celebration of London as the key global player in the Asian art market, gathering curators, collectors, press, industry players, and influencers in one historic space. With around 350 guests attending, the evening will be filled with curator-led talks and the presentation of the Art Awards.
Gala Party
Celebrating the 27th edition of AAL
Wednesday 30th October 19.00-21.30
Champagne & canapés
The Victoria and Albert Museum Cromwell Road London SW7 2RL
Tickets: £100 inc. VAT
Contact for tickets: sophie@asianartinlondon.com
Asian Art in London is thrilled to announce a new initiative: the inaugural one-day Symposium with its Education Partner, SOAS-Alphawood. This will take place on Sunday 3rd November. Showcasing the best of expertise gathered in London, this Symposium will integrate pan-Asian historic and contemporary art. The Symposium will focus on a range of disciplines, with panel discussions on Ceramics, Textiles and Metalwork. Tickets are limited and are available on a first come, first served basis.
Asian Art: Objects In Focus
Sunday, 3rd November 09.30 – 17.45
Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
SOAS University of London
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square London WC1H 0XG
Tickets: £30 / £15 Current students
Contact for tickets:: sophie@asianartinlondon.com
更多详情请参考官网: https://www.asianartinlondon.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/AAL-2024-final-low-res.pdf
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