
TSVC(Formerly TEEC Angel Fund)
TSVC(前TEEC Angel Fund),由清华校友在硅谷创办于2010年,是硅谷第一家大陆华人专注于硬科技领域的超级天使风险投资基金。其管理团队由硅谷连续创业者和顶尖科技企业高管组成,基金合伙人与顾问团队均有深厚的专业技术背景。通过独有的平台化运作和清华强大的校友资源,构成世界一流的技术专家团队,TSVC已经成为硅谷投资界业绩最佳,声望最高的早期基金之一。
基金投资领域囊括了企业服务,金融科技,生物医疗科技以及人工智能等。现旗下有180多家企业融资超过5亿美金,10家公司估值超过一亿美元,其中诞生了多家以上1000亿与100亿美元以上的独角兽,包括Zoom,Carta, Iterable, Ginkgo Biowork,Plus AI,Quanergy。
Founded in 2010, TSVC (formerly known as TEEC Angel Fund) is proud to be a leading early-stage venture capital fund in Silicon Valley. Over the past 9 years, TSVC’s 160+ portfolio companies have raised over 500 million USD, with 10 companies’ valuation totaling over 100 million USD, and with 6 unicorns (Zoom, Quanergy, Carta, Plus AI and Ginkgo Bio).
By investing in forward-thinking ideas and cutting-edge deep technologies as well as partnering with exceptional founders in Silicon Valley’s extraordinary entrepreneurial community, TSVC focuses on vertical areas such as SaaS, AI chips, Fintech, Biotech, Blockchain, and semiconductors.
Our investment philosophy centers on our belief that today’s visionaries will make tomorrow’s reality. In an interconnected world, we seek to stand at the forefront of global technology transformation. From the earliest days through all phases of growth, our mission is to support our entrepreneurs with unique insights and solid technical expertise and to bring them distinctive values along with crucial funding to make their ideas into reality.
Eugene Zhang
TSVC 创始合伙人,雪城大学电脑工程硕士学位,清华大学无线系(80级)学士及硕士学位

Eugene早年致力于Sun Microsystem中的Sunfire SMP Server Project的开发,其联合开发了行业中领先的硬件 Testbench language Vera,并为现在所有数字系统设计所应用。之后Eugene创立了JEDA Technology Inc,并担任总裁及首席执行官。
2012年Eugene创立了硅谷第一家立足于中美科技圈的孵化器,Innospring(创源科技),并担任创业总裁。2010年,Eugene与清华校友会合伙创立了专注于早期创业投资的风投基金TSVC(前TEEC Angel Fund)。Eugene专注于新兴技术的投资,他的80+的投资组合包括ZOOM, Carta, Ginkgo Bioworks,Quanergy,Iterable,Lex Machina,Trusper,TrustGo, Gaatu,EquityZen,一起作业和兆易创新等。
Eugene Zhang is a Founding Partner of TSVC, a Silicon Valley-based venture capital firm focused on building and scaling early-stage technology startups. Eugene’s investment focus is emerging technologies and FinTech, and he has led investments in over 70 startups including ZOOM, Quanergy, Lex Machina, Trusper, TrustGo, Carta, Ginkgo Bioworks, Gaatu, EquityZen, 17Zuoye and GigaDevice. He has also served on multiple boards including Gaatu and Tsing Hua Entrepreneur & Executive Club (TEEC).
Eugene has been working in the networking and computing industry for more than a decade in technical and management positions. As a member of the SMP server project at SUN Microsystem, he co-invented the industry’s first hardware testbench language, Vera, which is a part of today’s industry standard SystemVerilog.
Prior to TSVC, Eugene was the founder and CEO of Innospring, a global cross-border technology startup incubator. In 2002, Eugene founded JEDA Technologies, Inc., serving as President and CEO. JEDA specializes in next-generation system on a chip (SoC) design methodologies and provides electronic system level (ESL) verification automation products for leading edge SoC design companies.
Eugene holds a Master of Science in Communications Engineering from Syracuse University, and a Bachelor and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing.
璞华资本(Hua Capital)
Hua Capital Management Co., Ltd is organized and founded by an experienced semiconductor industry investment team with Tsinghua Holdings Co., Ltd. and China Fortune-Tech Capital Co., Ltd. Its investments focuses on the semiconductor industry and related areas. Hua Capital emphases on professional, international and industrial Chain-focusing investment philosophy. Our team consists of semiconductor industry entrepreneurs from both home and abroad and the core members of most active semiconductor funds, all of whom have more than 20 years’ experience in semiconductor industry entrepreneurship, management and investing. Hua Capital, by availing itself of its all-in specialized experience and industry leadership, will help increase the targeted portfolio companies’ value and synergy to enable them to be the leaders in the semiconductor industry.

张锡盛是美国硅谷和北京中关村的系列创业家,二十多年的集成电路行业创业、运营、投资的经验 。领导璞华团队投资了多个初创企业,成功案例包括:韦尔股份(603501)、博通集成(603068)、晶晨半导体、帝科电子、华大九天等,并担任多家上市公司董事。2002年创办Accelicon,任董事长,在2011年成功出售给世界500强企业安捷伦。张锡盛本科毕业于北京大学,博士毕业于清华大学。曾任东南大学客座教授。
Dr. Xisheng Zhang is founding partner and president of Hua Capital Management Ltd. He has over 20 years’ experience of startup, fund management and investment in US and China. He got BS of EE from Peking University, MS and PhD of EE from Tsinghua University. He also did the Post-doc research in UC Berkley. He is guest professor of Southeast University.
高榕资本(Gaorong Capital)
高榕资本由张震、高翔、岳斌三位创始合伙人于2014年1月创立,专注于早期和成长期投资,重点投资新消费、新技术、医疗健康等创新创业领域。7年时间,高榕资本参与管理的美元基金和人民币基金总额折合约300亿人民币。截至目前,已有19家高榕投资或入股的公司成功IPO,超过30家高榕投资或入股的公司估值超过10亿美元,多家公司成长为各自行业的领军者。其中包括新电商开创者拼多多(NASDAQ: PDD)、致力技术驱动娱乐的互动直播平台虎牙直播(NYSE: HUYA)、中国最大的在线招聘平台BOSS直聘(NASDAQ: BZ)、中国美妆市场引领者逸仙电商(NYSE: YSG)、智能清洁机器人领域领军者石头科技(688169.SH)等。
At Gaorong Capital, we devote ourselves to creating better life through innovation. We are dedicated in identifying the leading founders and collaborating with them to achieve long-term value. Our vision is to empower humanity to achieve its maximum potential and to bring the futuristic blueprints to life through progressive technology and innovation.
Founded by Zhen Zhang, Xiang Gao, and Bin Yue in January 2014, Gaorong Capital is focused on early and growth-stage investments, with a specialty in new consumption, new technology and healthcare. The total current AUM is approximately USD 4.3 billion, including both USD and RMB funds. We have 19 successful IPO portfolios and over 30 projects valued more than USD 1 billion, amongst which, many of them have advanced to be leaders in their perspective industries, including ground-breaking e-commerce platform Pinduoduo (NASDAQ: PDD), interactive live game-streaming platform Huya (NYSE: HUYA), China’s online recruitment platform BOSS Zhipin (NASDAQ: BZ), a leader in China beauty market Yatsen (NYESE: YSG), intelligent robot vacuum cleaner company Roborock (688169.SH), etc.

投资领域包括人工智能、企业服务、机器人、大数据、云计算等。负责投资或参与的投资案例包括:高途(NYSE: GSX),深鉴科技(并购退出),极智嘉(独角兽的物流机器人企业)等。
Wang Xin, graduated from the Department of electronic engineering of Tsinghua University with a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree. He once served as a project manager in China Mobile headquarters. He joined Gaorong capital in 2014 and is now the executive director of Gaorong capital. Investment fields include artificial intelligence, enterprise services, robotics, big data, cloud computing, etc. Investment cases responsible for investment or participation include: GOTU(NYSE), Geek+, Deephi Tech, etc..
武岳峰资本(SummitView Capital)
SummitView Capital’s mission is to fund the transformative companies of the 21st century that will modernize entire industries. Our strategy is clear and definite: provide innovative ideas and technologies with the resources – whatever it takes – to commercialize big opportunities.
We are currently managing several funds located in Shanghai, Beijing, Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province, United States, etc. Since our inception in 2011, we leverage our powerful network among governmental, corporate, and personal relationships across the world to commit across the full life-cycle of high-tech equity investments. Our core investment areas include: Information Industry, Advanced Manufacturing, Green Tech & Clean Tech, Precision Medicine, and Cultural Creativity.
We know that complex problems in need of creative solutions are increasingly evident in our shifting world. The emerging industries that we have been concentrating on are facing a future quite different from their past. Now it is an excellent time to combine the capital, technologies, people, and government policies to build these evolving industries.
In addition to capital, our teams of investment professionals have deep expertise in their industry sectors, with business and operational experience in the markets in which they invest in. Meanwhile, we are constantly establishing world-class corporate partnerships to help our portfolio companies grow into major players in the global market. It is our goal to successfully commercialize the technologies that will change the world.

2016-2018年,曾于麦肯锡大中华区历任初级咨询顾问、资深咨询顾问、初级项目经理,服务世界500强客户10余家,在企业战略、并购尽职调查与投后整合管理、业务转型、组织架构、营销与大数据分析领域积累了丰富的项目经验。2016年前,曾任职于国开新能源集团、美国Evans Analytical Group公司、美国Tigerlabs Venture老虎基金、美国能源部Brookhaven国家实验室(BNL)、美国能源部普林斯顿等离子体物理实验室(PPPL)。赵澎博士被聘为清华校友三创大赛创业导师,并曾荣获2018年中国新材料资本技术峰会新材料产业杰出青年投资人。现负责新材料、先进制造、泛半导体电子、化工及生物医疗方向。参与投资项目40+,包括多种技术路线的电池产业链、碳素材料、精细化工和大化工、新材料检测与服务、可穿戴设备、基因测序和生物医药临床器材的研制开发等。
Dr. Peng Zhao graduated from Tsinghua University in 2007 and got his Ph.D degree from Princeton University. Being a professional industry builder, he has 10+ years R&D experience and investment exposure on advanced materials, chemicals, energy and semiconductor. And he is deeply passionate about commercializing the technologies that could change the world.
复星锐正资本(Fosun RZ Capital)
Fosun RZ Capital was founded in 2013 and is headquartered in Beijing and Shanghai. As an equity investment institution rooted in China, with a global layout and industrial resource advantages, Fosun RZ Capital focuses on investment in technology, and new commerce industries, bringing complete support and capital to the portfolio companies. Fosun RZ Capital is empowering portfolios with resources in the four major sectors of Fosun’s health, happiness, wealth, and smart manufacturing, promoting industrial synergy, helping portfolios maximize their potential, and achieving leap-forward and international growth. U.S. investment cases include several upcoming listed companies: Grubmarket, Snapsheet, Uhnder, etc., and Israeli investment cases include upcoming listed companies: IRP, etc.
Wally Wang

Wally Wang先生负责复星集团在北美、欧洲和以色列的高科技投资,加入复星前,Wally创办人工智能安全公司获数百万美金融资并入选Plug and Play全球孵化器。在创业前,Wally曾任硅谷AI明星企业DataVisor副总裁负责中日韩以及东南亚市场,并曾帮助全球知名可穿戴品牌Misfit进入中国及印度并成功以2.6亿美金被收购。Wally职业生涯起步于微软搜索广告产品经理,曾是YC孵化的Pebble Watch的创始数据科学家。投资方面,Wally作为Venture Partner帮助华创资本成功投资了硅谷多个百倍回报的天使项目。Wally先生曾就读于纽约大学斯特恩商学院的博士,拥有清华大学自动化学士学位,是Carnegie Mellon University计算机学院的访问学者,UC Berkeley天台加速器,Alchemist加速器导师。
Wally Wang – Head of U.S. Investment, Fosun RZ Capital Data Scientist and Entrepreneur turned Venture Capitalist, managed technology investments for Fosun Group in US and Israel. Co-founder/executive in four top venture capital-backed Silicon Valley startups with three acquisitions. Worked a stint at Microsoft Bing Ads. Pursued PhD at NYU Stern Business School, Visiting Scholar at Carnegie Mellon University.
清苗基金(Sinovel Angel Fund)
清苗天使基金由邓锋倡议并和陈大同、沈向洋、李峰、邵晓风、李军共同发起,旨在帮助和培养新一代华裔青年在海外创新立业。清苗合伙人及志愿团队参与基金对青年创业者及其企业的支持、服务和孵化。基金管理人承诺将一定比例的投资收益用于赞助华裔青年公益项目。目前已投资 Stratodyne, Butlr 等项目。
The Sinovel Angel Fund, initially envisioned by Deng Feng, co-founded by Chen Datong, Shum Heung Yeung, Li Feng, Charles Shao and Jun Li, aims to cultivate a new generation of overseas Chinese youth with aspirations to found venture businesses. In addition to investment funding, Sinovel partners and volunteer to encourage, support and incubate young entrepreneurs and their enterprises. The fund is committed to dedicating a portion of investment returns towards social impact projects led by Chinese youth.
By nurturing the talented seeds of young Chinese American entrepreneurs, innovative ideas will take root and blossom into impactful global enterprises. Current portfolio include Stratodyne, Butlr etc..
Charles Shao

清华大学电子系(80级)学士、硕士;曾任北加州湾区清华校友会会长(1996)、清华高铁中心执行主任、斯坦福大学定位导航授时中心(SCPNT)顾问;深度参与并组织应用多项中国高速铁路系统研发项,曾获中国铁道科学技术壹等奖(2009); 1997年起先后加入NetScreen,ServGate, EPIN,Easyway创始团队,在光通讯技术、网络安全、大型工业控制系统、超大型在线交易平台、IOT等领域有一定经验。
GP of Sinovel Angel Fund; TSVC partner; BSEE, MSEE of Tsinghua University; President of THAA-NC in 1996; A seasoned entrepreneur and senior executive with start-up enterprises in NetScreen,ServGate,EPIN and Easyway. Managed multiple R&D/Engineering projects for China high-speed rail system; First prize winner of Rail Technologies Awards by China Railway Society.

清华大学研究员,校友总会理事;清华大学自动化系(80级)学士、硕士;新泽西州理工学院(NJIT) 计算机系博士。曾任北加州湾区清华校友会会长,清华大学信息技术研究院院长等。2000年开始从事天使投资,成功案例包括展讯、兆易等。
Professor at Tsinghua University and board director of Tsinghua Alumni Association; BS and MS of Automation Department of Tsinghua University; Ph.D. of CS of New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). Former President of THAA-NC, Dean of Research Institute of Information Technology, Tsinghua University. Active in angel investment since 2000, portfolio includes Spreadtrum, Gigadevice, etc..
北美清华校友会联合会(简称联合会)(英文名称:North America Federation of Tsinghua Alumni Associations,英文缩写:NAFTHAA)于2017年9月正式成立,并被美国联邦税务局审核批准认定为符合501(c)(3)免税条款的非营利机构。联合会是由北美地区各大清华校友会组成的非营利、非宗教和非政治性联合团体,会员单位是北美各地区的清华校友会。联合会旨在传承母校清华大学的文化;组织与协调跨北美地区的校友活动,促进北美各校友组织之间的交流与合作;支持和帮助北美各校友组织的发展,并通过北美各校友组织,为北美校友在生活、学习、工作和职业发展上提供帮助。
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